Secure payment process with card (VISA, MasterCard ...)

Note: Once you have received our valued order or invoice, with the total amount, you can proceed to fill in the form, with the information that we request (document number, amount (with the VAT) and concept.

At Walkasse specialized company for DJ flight cases and racks for sound equipment, you are able to use the following credit cards: Visa and MasterCard. Remember that you must have your card activated, in Verified by Visa or in MasterCard Secure Code.

In purchases destined to countries not belonging to the European Union, Walkasse will not be responsible for the taxes of each country, customs tariffs or shipping charges. Once you have validated all the information about your data and pressed the "Pay" button, a new page will appear with the information that will be sent to the payment gateway. From this page when you press the "Make the payment" button you will go to a page to enter the card number. This page comes straight from the accredited bank and the data entered will be sent directly to it.

Document number:
Concept / reason for payment:
Amount: (euros)