
Welcome to the website of Walkasse, the manufacturer and distributor of equipment for DJs and Contractors.

We hope you will like the contents of this site, and will be able to find out everything you need to know about the products we are now making.

Innovation in products using the latest technology, a wide range of case and racks, the latest accessories for DJs… In short, a broad and varied range of products meeting the demanding requirements of today.

And behind all that, the team here: a group of professionals all working, designing and innovating to offer you the best products, featuring tried and tested quality, the latest technology, and the best service.

Thanks to all this, our company is making its presence felt ever more strongly in the very demanding DJ and professional-audio sectors. This is due mainly to the confidence that the customers have always placed in Walkasse right from the outset.

Thank you for visiting and for devoting some of your valuable time to us.


Walkasse specializes in creating professional equipment for DJs and Contractors. Its latest models offer the most reliable technology to the most demanding DJs, so that they can develop and enhance their key skills. And thus produce their finest creations.

Our main driving principal: provide users the tools that give life to their creativity. To that end, Walkasse has set about seeking and creating intelligent solutions to the challenges entailed in the requirements of DJs and professionals today.

Company Profile

Walkasse was founded in 1995, and its headquarters are now in the outskirts of Barcelona.

Walkasse today is a dynamic company with a young staff, all closely connected with the DJ world and Contractors all highly committed to issues such as product development and manufacturing technology. Here at Walkasse, we appreciate that only by playing a very direct part in all these areas can we be competitive and offer high quality and highly functional products, enabling us to become a global brand and to export our products for DJs and audio professionals all over the world.


The quest for innovation underpins Walkasse's view on the new technologies and processes: "unconventional ideas" enabling Users to boost their creativity.

We combine this obsession with another premise when it comes to innovating for our products: "Doing it right from the time the idea is first conceived". That is the bedrock on which the quality process rests throughout the company, and that is one of the reasons why so many professionals have turned to our products.

To come up with the best design solutions for DJs and professionals, we:

1) Work with our clients and suppliers to spot needs that have not been covered, to find new possibilities, to create practical solutions, and to propose products that inspire confidence.

2) We respect our clients and appreciate the diversity of opinions, skills and experience among them, and we thus bring into our products the most innovative and functional ideas they propose.

3) Our deep acquaintance and close cooperation with all the sector's professionals enables us to incorporate the most suitable components for our equipment. That capacity makes us different. The best materials and nothing else will do. That is why we are always sure of offering consumers excellent and constant quality in all our products.

4) Our desire for leadership acts as a permanent commitment to our customers. Our formula for expansion is based on excellent service. That is how we go about seeking balanced, constant growth, and that is why our market presence is ever stronger.